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CONSERVATION SUPPORT  Our club actively supports conservation efforts and conservation



1. Meetings  A different conservation topic presented at each general meeting to inform members

                     of current enviornmental issuse that they should be aware of and actions they may be

                     able to take.

                     Several topics this year were:

                                  CT legislators sponsoring a bill in the state legislature to support wildlife species with the greatest need

                                            comprehensive investigation recently completed regarding U. S. groundwater

                                            federal government distributing $566,000 to support the creation of new trails in Connecticut 


 2. Annual Donations

     $250 is donated to The Federated garden Club of CT to assist the Scholarship Fund for

     aspiring youths who are seeking education in agriculture and environmental studies.


     $150 is donated to The Connecticut Nurserymen Foundation to assist the scholarship 

     program to support young people in furthering their education in the fields of agriculture and 

     environmental studies.


   3. In November 2024 our club participated in a survey on ticks and Lyme disease developed by    

       an Honors student at the University of Connecticut for her Honors thesis research.  




  ​​​Other Civic Contributions: 

         Participate in the Annual Newtown Scarecrow Contest

         Decorate an annual Christmas tree currently stationed at the Community 


         CompleteTea Pot flower arrangements to be sold at the Victorian Tea with

         profits going to support Newtown Youth Family Services   

         Incorporate a children’s activitie at the Newtown Lions Club Duck Race 





The Newtown Parks & Recreation sponsores an Annual Scarecrow Contest and the public is invited to vote for their favorites. Scarecrows have been created by local groups as well as individual residents and their families.

All are in the running to win from the contest’s three categories: Most Original Scarecrow, Newtown Pride Scarecrow, and People’s Choice Scarecrow.​ This is the second year that our club took part in the contest.

​​Teri Doern again volunteered to be chairman of the Scarecrow project. The other team members were Chris, Denise, Peggy, Mary Ellen, Jane, Nancy, Barbara McCann and Josie.











The team members for this project were: Chairman Teri Doern, Jane Vouros, Mary Ellen Weiner, Denise Rod, Chris Lincoln, Mae Grant, Gail Diminico and Josie Schmidt. Our entry was voted Most Original Scarecrow.

                                     DECEMBER 8 2024 TRIMMING THR TREE

Each year the club members form a committee to create decorations and then decorate a tree

for the town. This year the tree was designed to reflect our 60th year as a club. 

The team members were chairman Alexis Capaldo, Teri Doern, Barbara O'Connor, Barbara McCann, Jane Vouros, Lina Williams, Joan Alexander, Hillary Goldstein, Denise Rod and Nancy Scallon.




















Chairman: Alexis Capaldo

Members: Jane Vouros, Peggy Fillion, Barbara McCann, 

Joan Alexander, Jan Gardner, Hillary Goldstein, Denise Rod, Teri Doern, Barbara O'Connor​

Joan tree.jpg


The Victorian Tea was held at The Alexandria Room in town, on December 8,2024 as a part of the Newtown Youth & Family Services Winter Festival. Each year that it has been held over the last several years our club has agreed to create teapot flower arrangements to be sold at the tea to raise funds for their organization. Our club designed and filled teapots 10 pots this year.


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This year we also donated several holiday log centerpieces to be sold that day.

Friends of Newtown Outreach Seniors Project   April 27, 2022

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Chris Lincoln, Arline Shanley, Josie Schmidt, Mary Ellen Weiner, Teri Doern, Peggy Fillion, and Denise Rod worked for 3 hours at long time member Joyce Webster's house. They all had their own equipment and started by raking off and weeding the pachysandra patch. Then they moved on to 5 flower beds, where they trimmed and weeded. They even weeded the patch across the stream so you can now walk across the bridge, and along the front of the house. They finished by putting down 15 bags of mulch on the gardens! All that in 3 hours.

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